Much as I appreciate Russell Brand telling us wot 'e finky-winks out of his mouth-hole, I rather lost faith in his florid, emotive ponderings after he urged Britain not to bother voting and, essentially, give extremist-nutter party supporters a slightly better chance of getting their bastards into power.
And so now he turns his attention to the conviction of Rolf Harris. Our childhoods have been grafitti'd, apparently, and they all need revising.
Utter horsecock.
Our childhoods don't need revising (yes, it turns out we were watching a sex offender draw Wile E. Coyote, and that's awful), and if we're sitting here going "Oh God, what does this mean about my youth?!" then it doesn't get more ridiculously self-involved than that.
The only childhoods that were ruined were those of the people he assaulted, and I hope there as few of them as possible.