Saturday 19 May 2012

Ode to a long, hot shower (and THANK YOU)

Hello again!

  I know, I'm barely giving you chance to keep up with my head (nor am I, if it comes to it), but I just wanted to spout forth some praise about a nice hot shower.  They are amazing and beautiful things, aren't they?  On the slowest of slow mornings, as soon as I clamber, blank-eyed into the shower, I start to wake up.  (You would think, after thirty-two years on this blessed planet, I would learn to crawl out of bed on a weekend morning, early, and have a shower, and, y'know, wake up.  Sadly, this is not always the case, and so many a weekend has seen me ludicrously recumbent.  Last week, when staying with my sister & her family, I had more early nights & mornings than I generally have when I'm not on holiday.)

  The other odd thing about showers is that they get my imagination going (not like that).  I could point to songs on my list and tell you how many of them have been finished there.  I tend to zone out a bit once the jets kick in, and while my practical brain de-focuses and starts thinking about "Ooh, this is warm," my creative brain starts to mull over that missing line in the third verse, or it will hum a bass-line at me, and then whisper an opening lyric.  (So far, thankfully, I have not reached the point where I get so stuck on a song that I have to dash into the bathroom at 11:30pm and dunk my head under the shower to finish off a pesky middle-eight.)  While I often enjoy the way that this seems to work, I can't help but feel it slightly unfair that of all the ways of loosening my brain up enough to write things down on paper, or play them on guitar, I seem to have chosen one that involves hot running water.

  Anyway.  The real reason I am writing this is to say THANK YOU.  Those of you who responded to my previous blog entry via Twitter (plus a text message and an attempt to leave a comment on the entry itself but couldn't, thanks to a pesky internet blip), you are lovely, lovely people (I do use the word 'lovely' a lot, but no other word does it, really) and you all cheered me up and popped a bit of fight back into me.  It's a funny old game, wanting to be a musician and songwriter, and to be able to reach people with your songs, there are peaks and troughs where your confidence can just let in a few doubts and worries.  Before you know it, you're wandering the house at midnight, trying to think of a "game-plan" that seems feasible without having to be a millionaire.  (I don't have to be a millionaire of course, I just need my guitar and my hands and some time, but then the thoughts you have at midnight aren't always the most lucid, are they?)  But it's so good to know that you are out there, being supportive and telling me to keep going.  It makes me happy and it means everything.  And of course, I shall obey.

So, thank you.

I am off for the weekend now, to watch Gemma Hayes, so I bid you adieu and have a jolly weekend.

Lots of love,
J xxxx

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